
Head Chef Kieran features in the Limerick Leader

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Our very own Kieran Murphy featured this weekend in the Limerick Leader’s food special, answering a series of questions about his role at Gallagher’s:

When did you first become interested in cooking?
At a young age if I wasn’t outside playing sport I was in the kitchen with my mother.
She always cooked us family meals from scratch and I loved to join in and help. I also used to spend days during the school holidays with uncle who was a butcher. Both of these influences triggered a passion that at the time I didn’t know existed. As a teenager I got a job in a local coffee shop and after a short time there I was in no doubt this was what I wanted to do.

Where did you do your training?
I went to college in cork CIT as it is known now, and did the two year professional cookery course. I did work placement from college in some very nice restaurants around County Cork, but deep down I always had a desire to go to London to learn more. In 1998 I headed off to London where I spent 6 years working in Michelin starred restaurants with some fantastic chefs such as David Cavalier, Anton Mosimann, and Richard Corrigan.

Why should people dine at your restaurant?
We believe our guests are looking for something a little bit different when it comes to their food, and here they will not be disappointed. Seafood is such a underused food in Ireland, which is mystery when it is right on our doorstep. We have the opportunity here at Gallagher’s to really enhance the amazing flavours that you can find in seafood.  Of course our menu is very inclusive, with options including meat, vegetarian and even gluten free.

Would you say you have a food philosophy? If so, what is it?
To use fresh, local ingredients wherever possible; I believe in supporting local suppliers and that the ingredients sourced from them have the best flavours.

Who are your favourite local/regional food producers?
Cathal Sexton brings in amazing fresh fish every day, and we always use fresh organic leaves and herbs from just up the road in Newmarket. And I love working with St Tola in Clare. Their goat’s cheese is delicious and extremely versatile.

What could Limerick do to enhance its reputation as a food destination?
Support independent restaurants. Of course restaurant multiples have their place, there is a demand for them in Limerick, but independent restaurants like Gallagher’s are so much more capable of innovation, a certain draw for foodies.

What is your favourite thing to cook at home?
Fish of course! That is, kid friendly fish that the whole family can eat. I prefer to cook sustainable fish such as haddock and hake; it’s very versatile, delicious and readily available.


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