
Sunday Roast for the Family… at Home

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While our days are becoming a little repetitive during this third lockdown, we want to help do away with the drudgery on Sundays and make it a day to relax with your family – no cooking allowed!

Our new Family Roast is available for collection every Sunday, with a different roast every week, such as Lamb or Beef. Each roast will be accompanied with roast potatoes, roast root vegetables, and rosemary jus, all cooked and prepared in our own kitchen.

Order before the Thursday each week by emailing us on info@gallaghersofbunratty.com and let us know what time you want to collect in Sunday – it’s as easy as that!

Add desserts for four for just €10 – choose from  White Chocolate Cheesecake or Sticky Toffee Pudding

Our usual Takeaway will also be available Friday to Sunday.

with Roast Potatoes, Roast Root Vegetables and Rosemary Jus

€50 for four or €60 with 4 desserts

Order before Thursday with your collection time

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